Advanced Practice Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

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Advanced Practice Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

Advanced Practice CPD
icon for Advanced Practice CPD

CPD is any learning outside of undergraduate education or postgraduate training that helps you maintain and improve your performance. It covers the development of your knowledge, skills, attitudes and behaviours across all areas of your professional practice. It includes both formal and informal learning activities.



Please watch this short video that gives general guidance on CPD




For advanced level practice there is a requirement to provide evidence of your continuing professional development as a trainee and after qualification. It is essential that CPD activity is planned within work programmes and sufficient time allocated to it.

Your CPD activity should maintain and improve: 

  • The quality of care you give your patients and the public by meeting needs of service users and improving the care you provide. 
  • The standards of the teams and the services in which you work.
  • Keep you up to date and competent in all areas of practice.
  • Meet regulatory body requirements and allows you to remain registered. 

CPD should affirm what you do well, address areas requiring improvement and explore new knowledge, skills and behaviours. You are responsible for identifying your CPD needs, planning how those needs should be addressed and undertaking CPD that will support your professional development and practice. Reflecting on what you have learnt through your CPD and recording any impact on your performance and practice.

The Turas Professional Portfolios can be used to evidence your CPD activity and reflective practice

Pharmacy portfolio

For more information and resources go to the Facilitation of Learning Pillar